
Robert Kendall B.Ac Dip.Med.Herb, Kinesiologist, now retired from clinical practice, was a Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine for over 35 years. Throughout his life, he has taught seminars and weekly classes on Chinese Medicine foundations, Meditation, TaiChi and Relaxation for Health and Wellbeing.
He has taught numerous seminars within Australia and in the UK, including Energy Medicine for Health & Vitality, SuperAccelerated Learning - The Genius Within, and The Sacred Art of Healing Mandalas.
Robert's life-long passion is learning and exploring the movement of human consciousness towards the awakening of Self.
"You could say I love to demystify ancient wisdom and quantum science in the areas of mind and body.
I am a long term enthusiast of everything to do with learning how to expand our human consciousness, to grow and evolve.
My desire is to help you find inner peace, happiness and a greater self-awareness through easy to use and practical self-transformational healing processes that help awaken your greater intelligence and open you to the power of love and inner peace within"

Shauna Kendall utilises all her skills to help others live full, happy, connected, expressive lives. Her work as an Educational Kinesiologist provides a strong framework to support clients to flourish and create positive change.
Working in the field of personal transformation for 25 years, Shauna co-teaches seminars with her partner Robert Kendall on SuperAccelerated Learning, Meditation, Emotional Freedom Techniques, Natural Health and Vitality, and Mandala: Art of the Sacred Self.
Working with art materials is her special interest and she enjoys sharing these processes through her work with Mandalas and personal sacred art.
Shauna is licensed through BrainGym Australia and BreakThroughs International (USA) to teach Edu-K/BrainGym (BG)courses:
BG104 - An Indepth experience of the 26 BrainGym Movements
BiLateral Drawing - 'DoubleDoodling' : two handed activities for assisting Wholebrain Vision and Learning
BG101 - a 4 Day Program including the 26 BG Movements, Repatterning and Balances Processes for specific learning challenges and more!
She works throughout SE Queensland and the NSW Northern Rivers Area.