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Welcome to our
Meditation & Music library

A full description of each album is  available by clicking
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A deep Alpha Brain Wave guided Meditation Relaxation Cycle (14 minutes) 

It is the first deep relaxation cycle given in our online course called 'Breaking the Stress Cycle' and an audio example for our eBook readers.


It includes our special alpha brain wave drum beat music, for gently aiding the heart and brain frequencies to reach a deeper state of inner peace.
This track holds the keys to helping you create healthier, happier, and restful state of mind and body.

Peaceful Mind Healthy Body

Whether you want to be healthier or happier, increase your creative intelligence, increase your performance, become a faster learner and overcome learning difficulties, learn to meditate or wish to manifest success, it all starts with learning how to deeply relax and be peaceful in both body and mind.

This Album holds the keys to creating happier, healthier and restful states of mind and body.


Track 1. is a 29 min. guided Deep-body Relaxation Meditation cycle with Alpha Brain Wave music.

Track 2. is 30 minutes of Alpha Brain wave music.

This album is included in our Online Course called Breaking the Stress Cycle -- Cultivating Calm

Try our Free preview button for 6 lessons of the course.

A companion to the eBook.

vis2 album

Journey to the Mountain Temple

A Whole Brain Creative Visualisation Cycle

Have fun opening your right brain's creativity and intuitive wisdom.

By playing with our imagination to stimulate new neural pathways of the brain and relax the nervous system, we unlock the intuitive brain and access the power of our energy centers.

Track 1. Guided journey through the gardens to the inner temple to meet your wise Self
Track 2. Alpha Brain wave MUSIC only, to create your own journey or to meditate with.


Meditating while listening to the music will help reconnect both left and right brain aspects, creating wholebrain coherence. In so doing you will have access to the inspiration and intuitive wisdom that has been blocked by your negative or habitual thought patterns

"We use the 7 colours of the rainbow, that make up white light, to ascend up the mountain, through the energy gardens of the body and mind into the temple of inner peace and wisdom.

Here all your questions may be answered by your wise and loving Higher Self."

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